Price rising for raw material(原物料價格調漲)4
誠鴻興業有限公司 新北市新莊區思源路112巷28號
With rising price of crude oil, various domestic fiberglass cloth factory revealed that the electronic grade glass fiber remained in short supply.  Price for cloth is also increased in recent years. It results the price for raw material such as FR4 will be increased in the near future. Please forgive us if the increased price has caused you 隨著景氣原油調漲,國內各家玻纖布廠透露,電子級玻纖紗持續供不應求,在近年布價也跟著喊漲.導致原物料如FR4等料材,將會做調漲異動. 如有造成不便敬請見諒~再次感謝所有使用客戶的支持;誠鴻將站在客戶端的立場, 會隨時注意原物料的價格即時更新.謝謝 https://www.solder-carrier.com/hot_12653.html Price rising for raw material(原物料價格調漲) 2021-06-18 2022-06-18
誠鴻興業有限公司 新北市新莊區思源路112巷28號 https://www.solder-carrier.com/hot_12653.html
誠鴻興業有限公司 新北市新莊區思源路112巷28號 https://www.solder-carrier.com/hot_12653.html
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2021-06-18 http://schema.org/InStock $NT 0 https://www.solder-carrier.com/hot_12653.html

With rising price of crude oil, various domestic fiberglass cloth factory revealed that the electronic grade glass fiber remained in short supply.  Price for cloth is also increased in recent years. It results the price for raw material such as FR4 will be increased in the near future.
Please forgive us if the increased price has caused you

隨著景氣原油調漲,國內各家玻纖布廠透露,電子級玻纖紗持續供不應求,在近年布價也跟著喊漲.導致原物料如FR4等料材,將會做調漲異動. 如有造成不便敬請見諒~再次感謝所有使用客戶的支持;誠鴻將站在客戶端的立場, 會隨時注意原物料的價格即時更新.謝謝

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